31 Days of Song {24/31} – Hey, Soul Sister

Song 24 – Hey, Soul Sister by Train


I will admit: I only recently learned all of the words to this song. Sometimes Train just puts so many words in their songs!

Train is great. I love Train. Drops of Jupiter has been one of my favorite songs to play on the piano since… well, high school. So duh I loved this song the minute I heard it. and I saw the video, and whatshisname {sorry} reminded me of David Garza in the video, so instant extra love.

What is this song even about? I have no idea. I don’t know what 90% of the songs I listen to are about {except Gold Digger – totally hard to miss the point of that song}.

But you know what – no, who – this song makes me think of?

My very own soul sister, Emily.

If you were to magically transport yourself back in time to when this song first came out and was in heavy VH1 rotation, you will find that most of the correspondence between Emily and myself has the subject “Hey soul sister!” Because that – soul sister – is exactly what Emily and I are. I do not have her lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brain, there is no smell of her in every single dream I dream.. but in three words, our entire relationship can be summed up. “hey, soul sister.”

and in case you didn’t know, I LOVE Emily Birks. LOVE HER.

Since I know she reads this…


Hey, soul sister. 🙂

ps I have so much I wish I could have written about, but I’m DETERMINED to go to bed before midnight tonight. baby steps to getting back on a good sleeping schedule.

ps again we ran out of milk {okay by “we ran out of milk” I mean that last night I made two boxes of banana pudding and that’s why we ran out, so it’s my fault} and so I decided to use water for my hot chocolate… no. Never again. Milk hot chocolate ftw.
