13/31 days of madeleine

“I think that all artists, regardless of degree of talent, are a painful, paradoxical combination of certainty and uncertainty, of arrogance and humility, constantly in need of reassurance, and yet with a stubborn streak of faith in their own validity no matter what.”


So last night I made that post and then was washing my face and brushing my teeth and kept validating my feelings and criticizing my actions. I was tired. I get cranky when I’m tired.

Today I have a great reason why this will not have much reflection. Beckie, her sister, and I are going to a writing workshop thing. I don’t really know what it is, I just tend to say “YEAH!” to anything that comes my way.  So even though I woke up 2 hours ago to be able to take my time getting ready… it’s crunch time and I’m still in my pajamas.

But let’s talk about pajamas. Yesterday was the first rain in the Pacific Northwest (first of the season, mind you). It was chilly in our house. I had a cup of hot chocolate before bed and knew that extreme measures needed to be taken. That is why I slept in my beloved hooded/footed pajamas. I hope you have a pair of them as the fall settles in and winter approaches.
