2014, day 18; growth.


Two Valentine’s Days ago, I walked outside to find that my dad had left me a mini rose bush for Valentine’s Day. I have this thing with gifts. I get way too emotionally attached to them. A few times over the years I have noticed my rose bush near death and have tried to remember the last time I watered it, and when I can’t remember… I figure out the problem.

So I have been tending to this bad boy. There were actually two different bushes, and one of them was completely dead. I’m determined not to kill this one, and so I check it daily. There have been months at a time where there’s been no flowers blossoming, it’s just a bunch of green leaves.

When I see the beginnings of a rosebud, I check NUMEROUS times a day to see if little pink petals are emerging. It’s exciting to be so attentive to growth, and I’m trying to carefully watch for little changes in the things around me as well.

I love you sweet little baby rose bush plant.
