2014, days 48-50

I’m almost a month behind on my pictures. For the following reasons:

#1. At the end of February, my memory card started being unreasonably full. I got in the habit of deleting old pictures, and to my horror I realized that I was deleting pictures I hadn’t yet put on my computer. So there are some blank days. But all that matters is I DID TAKE THE PICTURES.

#2. Gossip Girl. But now I’ve come out of my cave. I’ve finished the series.

#3. My 30 day trial of photoshop, which had magically lasted me from November – February… finally expired. But I figured out a way to keep it a little longer. It is SOOOOO expensive! Why!!??

So moving on. pictures.

Day 48: ….was a picture of the box of KIND bars I got sent to try. and I’ll just say… they were delish. The Vanilla Blueberry was my favorite.

Day 49: Love letters.
Got a lovely piece of mail from my favorite Emily. It came at just the right time, and about once a day I have reminded myself of what Emily wrote in big letters – that I am loved. It’s easy to know but not always easy to believe. I’m so lucky to have friends like Emily.
Screen Shot 2014-03-18 at 12.49.16 AM

Day 50: Lots of love. 
In the Prayerful Bloggers group, I set up a little tiny Valentine’s Day swap, and this is the wonderful package that Erica sent me. How THOUGHTFUL and PERFECT were the gifts she sent me?? 🙂 A little gold notebook, Mickey & Minnie mug and chocolates, light pink shimmery nailpolish and Valentine’s Day socks. PLUS the card had elephants!
