2014, week 11.

Day 68. Scrimmage
With the divisional Bible Bowl tournament coming up at the end of the month, we met up with a Salvation Army church nearby and had a little scrimmage match. We won the first scrimmage and they won the second. Spoiler alert: we were against them in the divisional final, and they beat us but it was our first loss and since it’s double-elimination, we will be facing them one more time in a few weeks.


Day 69. Julep
You guys, I am so down with Julep. I’ve been working on not biting my nails and having lots of fancy colors has made me kind of develop a thing for painting my nails.

Day 70. X
…but it’s okay because grace.

Day 71. nightstand
I’ve been in the slow process of simplifying my life. My room and my walls and my closet, and part of it was my nightstand. It usually just collects junk but I switched in my silly reading lamp for this adorable lamp I found at Target and organized the nightstand, and now I love it.

Day 72. Darby Smart
I recently purchased a Darby Smart box. It’s brilliant – it’s a whole craft, and they send you everything you need. Because I had the day off, I figured it would be a perfect opportunity to be a little creative.
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Day 73. Brick.
A friend of mine contacted me awhile ago about using Salvation Army uniforms for a production of Guys & Dolls, and we hooked them up. As a thank you, I was given 4 free tickets to see the show. It was in an old, closed school building. It was the first nice day we’d had in awhile and I just kind of stood staring at this brick for awhile, soaking in the last moments of the day.
