2014, week two.

Help me out here: are my pictures too big? It’s easier for me to not resize them, but I realized that for some people they may be ginormous. Please let me know. I can stop being lazy and go back to resizing them 😉

Day 7. 
The second day I forgot to take a picture. This isn’t even a joke. Grace.

Day 8. The day I took the picture at the very last moment.
One of my 101 things was to have an hour of tech-free time before I go to sleep, and I’ve been implementing that. It’s been SO amazing. I go to sleep earlier (seriously!) and I read more, and I feel like I have more time in my day. All because I take an hour to not worry about checking social media or wasting away time on the internet. I’m reading through the Narnia series; everybody ALWAYS tells me I’d love them.. and they were right.
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Day 9. The day I took off.
To counter my really noble pursuit of an hour of quiet before bed, on Thursday I had a day off and so I stayed in my hooded/footed pajamas all day, watching Law & Order SVU marathons and baking. Then I started to catch up on Glee, but…. The Quarterback. I can’t even begin to discuss my feelings. I made these delicious double chocolate peppermint cookies.

Day 10. The day the Justin Bieber movie wasn’t in theaters anymore.
I picked up two girls, ages 10 and 9, with the expectation of going to see the Justin Bieber movie before it went out of theaters. Joke was on us because IT WASN’T PLAYING ANYMORE! We pulled over on the side of the road and as I beat myself up, thinking… how do I work with kids and have NO IDEA what to do with them, they suggested roller skating. So roller skating we went. And guess what. That was on my 101 list, so I was pretty happy about that.
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Day 11. Chuck E. Cheese.
I must be on some sort of mission to prove that I have the best job ever or something. Two boys from my church worked hard and worked together and worked on listening and behaving and not getting in trouble and so we went to Chuck E. Cheese. It was fun to watch them run around and have fun and be little boys, which is something that doesn’t always happen in the “sit still and be quiet” culture of church.

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I enjoy being able to treasure away moments from each day with a picture or two. I used to take pictures ALL THE TIME, like it was nobody’s business, but have found myself so hesitant to do that lately. It feels like pulling my camera out is facing some big giant, which is crazy because… it’s a picture. Anyway. It has been a pretty nice week.
