2016: LAUNCH!

There’s this movement about picking one word and claiming it for your year.

I tend to do that, but in retrospect. You know… it’s like I fill up the notebook, close it and then write a title on the cover. Although that is a fun/safe thing to do, there is something powerful at staring at a new calendar and claiming one word for every single square within it.

As I was thinking about my word for 2015 (season), I IMMEDIATELY knew the word for my 2016. I decided to keep it quiet and let it sit in my heart and see if it stuck. So here we are, almost a week into 2016 and I want you to know my word for the year.

one word 2016: LAUNCH // stephanieorefice.net


You know… 3, 2, 1 TAKEOFF. I’ve got big dreams of ending the year with my debt repayment journey being at its halfway point. I want to continue to de-clutter my life (by using up my beauty products and reading all the books I didn’t read last year and all that stuff).

and like Regina George,

Regina George // Mean girls // stephanieorefice.net

..just kidding. I don’t have a number, but last year I lost 25 pounds. If I lose 25 pounds again this year, my BMI will move from “overweight” to “normal weight.” So… #goals. 2 pounds a month. I’ve got this.

At some point, I want to re-focus my blog. I think I’ve figured out a way to streamline the things I love posting about and turn them into consistent stuff that’s all about living just a little bit louder (miss that phrase?!), regardless of where you are at in life.

But for now…

Let’s freaking launch something, shall we?

We ALL know I love me some recaps. I’m launching a Weekly Recap. I have enough non-blogger friends who have asked me about following my blog – I know they won’t use Bloglovin, and I don’t want them to have to get DAILY notifications of my posts, so I decided to just create a little weekly e-mail that showcases the best of the best AND highlights some of my people from around the internet. Dude, you guys… I’m going to be so good at this. Back when I first got AOL we had these things called zines.

…hold on, I’m going to do some research.

Yes, it was a very real thing and I literally almost cried reading this article. Basically ‘zines were newsletters. That you sent to people who decided to subscribe to your life.

So like I said. I’m all about this ‘zine weekly recap that will be delivered to your inbox every Friday. The first one is coming out TO-FREAKING-MORROW. 😀 😀 😀 See ya’ in your inboxes, people!


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