{22/365} perfectly unique

This has been my today.

I woke up and tackled my to-do list. I mean literally, the only thing left on there is “exercise.” and I have so much clearing of my mind to do; I’m going to go on a really long walk. With no music. But more on that later.

With everything on my to-do list accomplished early, I found myself with some time to do nothing. Which meant TO READ. Finally. I haven’t READ in.. well, I guess it hasn’t been THAT long but it feels like forever. It’s been maybe two weeks.

It’s time for me to tell you about what I’m reading. But first! Last Friday, I woke up early and went to VooDoo Donuts because Annie and her friends were there.

Let me tell you about Annie Downs.

I don’t know how I first heard of Annie Downs.  Honestly, I couldn’t tell you. All I know is that I feel like I have been reading her blog FOR-EVER, and I love it. In my life I have a lot of pretend relationships. Madeleine L’Engle is my pretend grandma. Emily, Rhoda & co are my pretend younger siblings. and Annie Downs, to me, is my pretend older sister who is cooler than me. But really. Annie and I have a few mutual friends and she is friends with musicians who I love and sometimes I meet strangers who read her blog.

Last week I had an emotionfest. I just sat in our brown chair and let emotions destroy my spirit. and then, like the sun coming up on the horizon, I read that Annie was going to be in Portland. So I decided that no matter what, if there was a chance to be around Annie, I’d take it.

Thursday evening, Annie text messaged me and asked me if I wanted her to bring me a copy of her book. I’d already taken out the money to buy it, not even thinking she might not carry stacks of her book behind her in a little red wagon. If I had a book, that’s what I’d do. So she brought it. and now I’m reading it.

You’re probably like.. that’s so weird, you took a picture of your shoes…


I took that picture in honor of this:

I’ll tell you more about this book when I’m done reading it.

The book comes out next Tuesday. You should read it.


ps see, that is me and Annie in the top right picture.
