50 Day Challenge, Day 2: Make a bulleted list of everything that happened in your day

This is a day late, because I wanted to wait until the day ended before I made a list of it, but I slept at the house of a family who doesn’t have the internet. So here I am at Starbucks. This was yesterday: Thursday, April 7th, 2011.

woke up at 5 am, read my book until Ed got home.
went to Starbucks: responded to e-mail, caught up on blogs.
work from 6:45-9:45. nothing super interesting here.
came back to Starbucks, changed my clothes, considered calling in sick to babysit again.
decided to go. got offered an all-expenses, paid trip to Paris this weekend to help with the kids.
walked to the 99 cent store. bought some toys and snacks.
went to the park. ran around. changed a diaper.
took Hughie back home. made lunch. more playing.
drove home, found my passport and took a shower.
got my roommates together and told them about how I will be leaving at the end of the month.
went to sleep at 8:30 pm

So there it is. My day. So boring, yet fairly eventful {um, Paris? I’ll find out within the next few hours if it will work out}.
