California Adventure – Day 2 & the Halters

The best April 2nd of my life, hands down.

We started by going out for breakfast. I was sandwiched in-between Lucy and Layla, which is my all time favorite place to be. We started a synchronized eating team, taking bites of food at the same time to help them focus on eating.

My left-hand(ed) girl, Lucy:

lucy //

and my right-hand(ed) girl, Layla:

layla //

It was so much fun to spend the day with them – it was kind of surreal to drive to where they’re staying, hang out, and sleep away from them. I’m so used to falling asleep and waking up at their house. But this whole trip was so I could see these beautiful little faces and I am so grateful I got to see them for a little bit.

The whole day was really relaxed – we spent a lot of time sitting in the warmth of the backyard, sometimes talking and sometimes just sitting and watching the kids play football.

april 2 // Lucy especially loves my Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 Instant Film Camera, so before I left I made sure to stock up on film so that we could add to their collection of pictures we’ve taken together. Usually I end up keeping the not-so-great pictures but this time I felt really sentimental (and apparently really selfish) and I kept the super cute ones, like the one of Layla and her cup and Jackson and Lucy.

It’s actually stupid how much I love these two little twins. I am already scheming and dreaming up a longer trip to visit them in Nashville, hopefully no later than August. Since September of 2013, I’ve seen them once every 3-4 months, and as long as I’m in a season of my life where that’s possible, I’m determined to make it happen.

In case you want to get caught up on these two:
