Currently // August 2016

I can’t believe we’re already in August. 2016, you are fast.

I’ve been wanting to participate in the Currently link ups for awhile and finally this month was like… you know… screw it. I’ll do what I want, and I want to do this link up with Anne and Dana. So here I am. Let me tell you about some things I am currently…

currently / august 2016 //

hearting //

I’m currently OBSESSED with off-the-shoulder thing. Like. OB-SESSED. Here are some that I would L-O-V-E to own… and they’re all under $25 because I’m cheap frugal 😉

Also? Not gonna lie I’m also hardcore hearting Pokemon Go .


watching //


Now that I’ve suffered through JoJo’s season of The Bachelorette, it’s time for some BACHELOR IN PARADISE!!! I’m hoping that we get an ultra cute couple like Jade and Tanner. I’m all about Nick + Amanda, anyone else? Nick reminds me of a cuter Michael Buble. Amanda is just the cutest. SO IS CARLY. Ugh I love it. I love all of them.

EXCEPT. Josh is the worst. Literally the worst. Maybe not literally, though.. because can we get #evangohome trending? He is actually the worst. Carly’s commentary of her date with Evan was SPOT ON. I haven’t watched last night’s episode yet so no spoilers!

I finished binge watching all 11 seasons of Criminal Minds and wanted another similar show to watch. I read the synopsis of The Following and was like YEESSSSSS. Oh man it’s SO GOOD so far. Except it only has a couple seasons. Already taking suggestions to a similar kind of show.

exploring //

Nashville. with Justen. <3 I’m SO EXCITED to introduce him to the teeny tiny loves of my life. Layla said she’s nervous to meet him. We’ll arrive on their second full day of KINDERGARTEN. WHAT! How are they so big? Why are they so big? STOPPPPP IT GIRLS.

creating //

currently //

Blog posts. Call me butta cuz…. you know. I’m on a roll. I’ve decided to just start blogging about whatever I want to blog about. Like yeah it would be cool to be one of “THOSE BLOGGERS” who makes a quadrillion dollars a month, but I will make next to no dollas a month if I never blog, you know?! So that’s what I’m creating. BLOGZ. Not sure why this whole section was typed like a middle school girl. Sorry.

eating // 

ALLLLL the sweets. Oops. Major oops. But I recently made this Tone It Up Crockpot Coconut Curry Chicken and that + quinoa is SO GOOD!


What are y’all hearting, watching, exploring, creating + eating these days?  Comment below!
