DIY: 3 ingredient, all natural face scrub/wash/mask

Right now I’m taking a quick pause from unpacking/laundry/re-packing to tell you about what is on my face.

I started getting acne when I was in 4th grade. I washed my face faithfully, but nothing really helped. Eventually I started using ProActiv, which would work so long as I continued to use it, but once I took a break from it my acne would flare up again. and that stuff is EXPENSIVE.

Last summer I started to deal with my crazy consumerism when it comes to toiletries. I’d buy whatever was on sale, so my shower would have a zillion shampoos and conditioners and body washes, and my bathroom counter would have tons of different ineffective face washes that I’d rotate through. I stopped spending money and started making things myself. One day I’ll tell you about how I haven’t used conditioner in a year and only use shampoo two or three times a month.

But for now, like I already said, I want to tell you about what is on my face!

DIY 3 ingredient all-natural face wash mask scrub to reduce acne

3 ingredient, all natural face scrub/wash/mask.

This stuff is simple, and Acne Skin Site is gonna tell you why.

You start with honey. 
Honey contains numerous anti-microbial properties and is a natural antioxidant. Honey fights microbial infections that cause acne without irritating your skin. This sweet goodness literally pulls out impurities from your pores that would normally stay clogged with festering bacteria and oil that cause pimples.  Honey will also help restore your skin’s texture and reduce damage done to your skin by the sun and daily environments you come in contact with. (via)

Then you add some cinnamon.
Cinnamon works to kill acne by drying out the affected area and bringing blood and oxygen to the surface to open the pores and de-clog bacteria and oil. Use in a homemade face mask with honey and nutmeg and see how beautifully your skin clears up! (via)

Finish it off with nutmeg.
Nutmeg is wonderful when used as a spot treatment for pimples. It reduces inflammation, redness, and acne-causing bacteria. It will dry out the pimples quickly and with no further irritation to the skin. Nutmeg is much safer than using a topical acne treatment that contains ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. (via)

3 ingredient, all natural face scrub/wash/mask.
A squeeze of honey
A shake of cinnamon (not too much or it will BURN)
A generous shake of nutmeg
Smear it together in your palm, then spread it on your face.
For a scrub, wash it off after letting it sit for a minute. For a wash, rinse it off immediately. For a mask, let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then rinse.

There are sites that give you very specific measurements, but let’s be honest. Measuring honey is a fool’s job. Some people cannot use this every day, but once a day works for me. I keep mine in an old coconut oil jar, scoop it out and replenish as needed. It also allows me to take it in the shower and use it for a scrub.

And there you have it! A way to keep the acne at bay. Now I must finish packing.

Warning: the honey/cinnamon/nutmeg might forever ruin your banana bread experience because you’ll smell it and think of washing your face. Or at least I’ve found that to be true!

DIY 3 ingredient all-natural face wash mask scrub to reduce acne