February 2016 Debt Repayment Recap + Final Friday Linkup + a Giveaway!

Not to freak you all out, but we’re 1/6th of the way through 2016. WHAT.

It’s time to catch y’all up on what’s gone down with my debt repayment!

January 29, 2016

Car: $17,638
Southwest Credit Card: $1,778
VS Credit Card: $0

Combined debt of $19,416

February 26, 2016

Car: $17,280 (-2.029%)
Southwest Credit Card: $1034.08 (-41.84%)

Dental First Credit
Victoria’s Secret Credit Card

Combined debt of $18,314 (-6.47%)


The reason for the huuuuuge drop in my credit card was my tax return! I put my emergency savings at a safe place and then used the rest to make a big payment on my credit card.

This month there were a few really good things that happened and then a few not so good things, and I’m just going to list them 🙂

february debt repayment recap // stephanieorefice.net


  • I got a few random payments (I redeemed Swagbucks, and I got a small payment for a program I’m a part of) and I transferred them immediately to my credit card balance. This is the habit I want to really develop in my life.
  • I finally turned in my receipts for work purchases, so once I get reimbursed I can get my credit card under $1,000.
  • Thanks to Brittany’s post about paying off her car, I started looking into paying off my car early and figured out a plan of action for once I get my credit card paid off (which I’m anticipating will happen NO LATER than May – but I think I can do it faster than that!).



  • Maybe I procrastinated on getting my tabs renewed. Maybe. and MAYBE that resulted in a ticket + I still had to get them renewed. My tabs ended up costing me twice as much because of the ticket by the time I decided to pay for them. My own stupid fault.
  • Like I’d mentioned before, I forgot to skip my JustFab payment. I put reminders in my phone so that I’ll know when it’s time to sign in and skip so I’m not charged $40 – that’s detrimental to my debt repayment!
  • I lost my debit card somewhere. I know I lost it somewhere in my own personal belongings. During the time of not having the debit card and now waiting for the replacement card, I’ve been using my credit card and haven’t been the most diligent at paying it back every night. That’s my worst habit; making small purchases on my credit card and thinking “I’ll make a payment tonight,” and then not doing that.
  • I’m still not completely caught up on where I need to be in order to be halfway out of debt by the end of the year, but the gap is smaller than last month!

How did you do on your debt repayment/finances this month? Emilie and I are hosting Final Friday Finance! Link up any post you’ve written this month about either topic (as many posts as you want, as long as they are relevant)!


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ALSO! I’m teaming up with a few other bloggers to give you the chance to win $90 to Target. Remember how I won $200 to Target? That gift card has been one of the most helpful things EVER! Best of luck to all of you 🙂



a Rafflecopter giveaway
