Five on Friday

Five on Friday //

Drumroll please, because I know you’re all just DYYYIIIIINNNGGGG to know what five things I’m about to share with you, aren’t you?

Here it is. ….

The last 5 coffees I’ve instagrammed. That’s a link to follow me on instagram so you NEVER HAVE TO MISS A COFFEE.

ONE // Embassy Suites poor man’s mocha

Disneyland // Last Monday, we went to Disneyland. and I dressed appropriately, because I’m Stephanie Orefice and that’s just what I do. Our hotel had a nice breakfast setup, and part of that was a coffee machine. and they had a hot chocolate machine. Naturally I made a poor man’s mocha. and then bless their little hotel hearts, they had to-go cups!


TWO // Disneyland Starbucks Caramel/Coconut iced coffee with cream

Disneyland Starbucks //

Um… so if I’m at Disneyland, then there’s is 100% going to be AT LEAST ONE caramel/coconut iced coffee with cream consumed in the time I’m there. I MIGHT have had two of them. MAYBE. Also can I say that I’m literally so over how messed up my nails are. I keep biting them. Gross.


THREE // Burbank Airport Peet’s iced mocha

Burbank airport Peet's mocha //

On our way home from Disneyland, I was in need of coffee REAL BAD. So bad, in fact, that I paid $5.50 for a 12 ounce iced mocha (couldn’t justify paying the extra $$ for soy)… that was actually rather terrible. The whole airport was actually terrible; everything was ridiculously overpriced and it felt more like a glorified greyhound station than anything. But while we waited, Sarah & I did attempt to take some super cute pictures…


FOUR // Starbucks caramel iced coffee with cream

stopping //

I was having a struggly day, so I grabbed an iced coffee and planted myself on the floor of my office. Unfortunately the space where I have room to sprawl out is right by the full-sized window in my office, so the door kept getting opened and people kept talking to me and it was interrupted a lot. It died down eventually and I was able to find some peace.


FIVE // Bushel + Peck iced soy mocha

Bushel + Peck // Portland, OR // I wrote recently about how my pastors are moving. AND FOR SOME REASON THEY DECIDED TO TAKE THEIR CHILDREN! 🙁  One of them is Sarah, who I took pictures with up there. Another one of them is Abigail, who was a quiet 9-year-old when I first met her and this year was the captain of the undefeated territorial Bible Bowl champions. It’s been such a joy to watch her grow up – and lately she’s turned into a coffee drinker (at the ripe old age of 13!!) and I’ve loved being able to take her to get iced mochas and talk about life. Wednesday, I took her to Bushel + Peck so we could try some of their delicious pastries. She got a cardamom snicker doodle cookie; I got a flour less orange chocolate cookie. So delicious.

and this is a bonus coffee, but still relevant. On Saturday, Abi and I went to the official grand opening of Lionheart Coffee. More delicious iced mochas, and gluten-free/vegan/organic donut holes from Bigwig Donuts (#portland).  I’m going to miss this sweet kid so much.

Lionheart Coffee Co // Beaverton, OR //


