January || Currently

Happiest January. I think I like January because it means we still haven't had Valentine's Day OR summer this year, two things I look forward to whenever they're not on the horizon. I'm linking up with Anne and Jessica for the Currently Linkup. and I'm barely getting in the linkup by the skin of my teeth and holy crap what the heck does that saying even mean…?

gathering: a list of bloggers who do income reports for a project that Justen and I are excited to launch. If you know any bloggers who post income reports, PLEASE SEND THEM MY WAY!! 😀 

making: all the notes and updates in my Bullet Journal. i'm also making time to be really diligent about my blogging goals and my hopes of generating income from my hobbies. 

sipping: caramel iced coffee with cream. I know all of y'all might be like "that's not Whole 30" and for that I'll refer you to this instagram post I made. I've been cutting out gluten + having very minimal dairy, which are the two things I REALLY wanted to get under control with Whole 30, anyway. 

anyway back to this iced coffee. I've been at this Starbucks all day. I ordered a latte, then got a brewed coffee refill. I decided I'd prefer an iced coffee and went to order one. the barista counted it as a free refill, so all I've paid for all day was the initial latte. Seriously, if you're not utilizing your Starbucks gold card with free refills then you're doing it all wrong. 

following:  well I guess I'm just going to tell y'all my favorite people to follow. I ALWAYS go to Southern Curls and Pearls, because she is the cutest and how about she's also goals for everything. On Instagram I'm following Printable Happies, who I LOVE SO MUCH. She is so sweet and her stuff is SO CUTE. 

resolving: to focus on my goals this year. I want to read more books, lose the weight I worked so hard to lose, and be connected to my friends in a way that's been missing. I've been writing down my goals, breaking them into actionable steps and keeping track in my bullet journal


What are y'all currently up to?
