LC Lauren Conrad Runway Line

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The other day, my mom and I stopped by Kohl’s and I was so excited to be able to touch Lauren Conrad’s Runway collection, which I wrote about a few weeks ago.

I decided to show you guys my favorites.

LC Lauren Conrad Runway collection //

sweater / skirt

This sweater is adorable, am I right? The bows! and it was so cozy and warm… but I have roughly eighteen million Lauren Conrad sweaters (that’s an exaggeration) and it wasn’t worth it, since it wasn’t really on sale. (side note: I don’t think the sweater was part of the Runway collection)

The skirt, you guys. I opted not to get the skirt in favor of other things but I’m going to be keeping my eye out for when this goes on sale. In my head, I imagine wearing this with white tights and boots or booties. Can anyone else see that, or is it just me?

LC Lauren Conrad Runway collection //

top / skirt

See why I loved this skirt? It’s SO CUTE! and this summer I began to love wearing skirts like this, with a cute top tucked in. Moving past the skirt…

This top. The zig zag pattern on the sleeves! If I have eighteen million Lauren Conrad sweaters, then I have FIFTY MILLION LC tops. They’re all so light, airy, cute… and at some point I try them on and go “eh.” But THIS ONE!!! This one was so adorable. I put it on and immediately loved it. Seriously, even when I wore it with my leggings…

Lauren Conrad Runway collection //

top / similar leggings

Those leggings are Lauren Conrad, by the way. I got that top because it’s going to be so great to wear with all of my zillions of colored Lauren Conrad pants. So dainty and so girly. All my love. Definitely got this one.

Lauren Conrad Runway Collection //


Okay, this top? I love it as much as the other top. Usually when I go to Kohl’s to try on Lauren Conrad’s stuff, I come prepared with a white or nude tank top (all of her stuff is so sheer!) but I forgot. This shirt is so cute – it’s flowy, which is a weird word to describe a LACE shirt. I went home with this one, too.


So I went home with those two tops, PLUS another one that I didn’t take a picture of because it’s ultra floral-y and looked awful with my leggings (but so cute in general)

I also picked up a cute, dainty necklace on clearance (y’all, it was $3.20!)

Lauren Conrad runway collection //

I love ALL the Lauren Conrad stuff. Can she just somehow decide to sponsor my wardrobe, since I basically wear all of her stuff every single day? Any ideas about how I can make this happen?

Have you tried on any of the LC Lauren Conrad Runway collection?
