Monday, Monday…..

  •  I auditioned for The Glee Project. No really, I did. Please click here and watch the video and “like” it on the page. And then share it with your friends. 🙂
  • Today I attempted to make pink cookies. They were a massive fail, and I have a picture to prove it:

    See! Not even pink! I tried to save the reddish color by attempting to turn it purple, which just looked blue, so I added green. It was just an all around fail.

  • This really happened:
  • Yesterday we had a Glee marathon. I was late {I’m always late} and this is what happened as a result:

    and then, waiting on the door when I finally arrived…

  • My beloved baby Bram turned SIX! and I went to his birthday party. SIX!!!!

    seems like these days with him were just yesterday….
    Remember how I said that I am always late? If I don’t leave soon, I will definitely be late for Bible study. But I came to Starbucks to write this, and it’s been so long since I’ve been in a Starbucks writing and thinking. It feels good. 