No, I did not change my clothes today.

Last night I put on shorts and a sweatshirt for bed. This morning I made coffee, had some quiet time, and left… in the same slightly embarrassing outfit. Came home, didn’t change. Now I’m about to go babysit/stay the night, and I plan on wearing this to bed again tonight.

But ask me if I care.

Does that look like I care? because I certainly do not. My shorts are pink, my t-shirt is pink, and my sweatshirt is almost 10 years old and full of really great memories. It’s a pretty good lazy outfit, if you ask me.

I’m partially tempted to wear this tomorrow, because I won’t encounter anyone I’ve already seen today aside from my roommate but I think they love me too much to say anything except “wooowwwwww.”


I’d been being more conscious about eating fruits and vegetables and drinking water, and it was really improving my mood. I’ve not been too great at that this week. So I feel apathetic and lethargic and lazy. Maybe changing my clothes tomorrow would be good for me.

Today I tried to make chocolate chip cookies for my roommates. They turned into muffins on a pan. I’m really not sure how that happened. They’re little fluffy balls of cookie. I’ll take a picture. But not right now, because I’m going to go pick out a real outfit for tomorrow. Gotta look my best. Lots of people to impress.

ps I was listening to Taylor Swift when I took that picture, and I danced around for awhile…

{it’s alright to wish you lived with me}
