Thankful Thursday [3]

Linking up with Meghan and Sarah again.

My {new} new sweater.

Recently I’ve only been interested in clothes designed by LAUREN CONRAD. Because she is SO.. CLASSY. A few weeks ago I saw this sweater, priced at $50 and decided to add it to my Christmas list. But then. It was on sale for $29.99, and thanks to the load I took out the last time I went to Kohl’s, I had $10 in Kohl’s cash… and a 30% off discount.. blah blah blah blah.. $14ish dollars! It’s so soft. and I’m thankful for the little pieces that fell together for me to get it.


Unexpected mail.

I guess at some point I must have told Lisa that Numi’s Gunpowder Green Tea is my favorite. Perhaps when we were at Whole Foods a few years ago? Anyway. I love Lisa and her family and her ministry and her presence in my life. AND a card from Carmen, my newest friend in the same city I first met Lisa? Beautiful. I. AM. SO. THANKFUL.


Learning thankfulness from others.

A few weeks ago Captain Hilary gave a sermon about naming our blessings and living thankfully, and I am so grateful to be close enough to her to see that the words came from an authentic place of growth. Today Micah saw a big pile of leaves to jump into and Hilary thanked God for the crunchy leaves to jump into. Then Micah jumped in. I was thankful to be a part of that moment of… thankfulness.
