Where the heck did summer go? | Weekly Wishes #7

People. of. the. internet!!
(that’s my name for anyone who stumbles upon my blog)

Where the freaking heck did the summer go? It seems like just yesterday I was pulling out my shorts and standing with my head towards the sun, basking up every ray of it…. and now stores are putting out Halloween stuff and I kinda want to go to a pumpkin patch and I can smell caramel apple spice everything in the air. I just don’t even know what is happening anymore.

My friend Braden once told me that years zoom by the older you get because a year becomes a smaller portion of your life. Like when you’re 10, one year is 1/10th of your life. That is a bigger, fuller piece of the pie. When you’re 29, it is just 1/29th. Smaller. It makes so much sense and I think about that often.

Anyway. This week’s wishes:

  • Go to Camp.
    This weekend/next week will be insane. I need to get away for a little bit.
  • Try out a sample I received a few weeks ago.
    It’s cute. I love it. More about that… hopefully later this week, right?? 😉
  • Um…. go to the post office. 
    Yes… still. My gosh.
  • Do some coloring. 
    I’m trying real hard to plow through a few more things on my 101 list since it’s almost over (WHAT!).
  • Finish my t-shirt quilt. 
    Cassie and I were going to do it this weekend but plans kind of didn’t line up, so hopefully it’ll work this week!
  • Organize my bathroom closet.
    Like my bookshelf was last week, my bathroom closet is a HOT MESS!

Last week’s wishes:

  • Read a book
    Didn’t do this one… I poured all of my energy into reading the Bible instead. I think that’s okay 😉


  • Get my bridesmaid dress altered
    I made the appointment… that should count for something because that was the scariest part for me!!
  • paint my nails
    I kind of did the exact opposite… I was so stressed out by a handful of things that I bit them down… a lot. Yikes!


  • organize my bookshelf
    YES! Here’s a before and after:
    IMG_8359 IMG_8366 For bonus points I also organized my desk just saying.


  • send out mail
    Fail. fail fail fail.


Linking up with Weekly Wishes.
