2014, week 7: San Francisco

Day 41: Stuff.
This is the way I mark my territory.  IMG_5116

Day 42: Andrew.
My friend Andrew moved to Germany a few years ago. And he stayed there for a year, then he came back and I have been dying to see him. I spent almost every day with him while Lauren was at school. There is no way for me to explain how lucky I am to know him. He makes my life more fun, and he is the only other person I’ve met that knows all of the words to Aaron’s Party (Come Get It). I tend to associate cities with people, and Andrew is San Francisco.
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Day 43. Davis
When I met the Birks family 10 years ago, I fell in love with 8-year-old Graham. He was funny and brilliant, and I have been so so so so honored to watch him grow up into one of the most caring, fun, loving people I’ve ever met. Lauren and I spent the afternoon/evening with Graham at his COLLEGE (oh gosh!!!!). He showed us the cows, and there was one numbered 2468 so naturally I named it APPRECIATE! 🙂
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Day 44: San Francisco Blue
Andrew and I met our friend Thijs for walking around/hanging out/lunch. It was one of those days where it felt like every moment had been stitched together carefully and there was a soundtrack playing somewhere, but maybe so quiet I couldn’t hear. We went into some brain store and played games, then spent time in a Tea store, and I bought a pair of glitter shoes and Andrew found the chapstick he was looking for. It was a really, really really good day.

Day 45: Wildfire.
The Birks let me borrow their car to drive to camp for the weekend, and I was SO GRATEFUL for that. I rolled down the windows even though it was a little bit chilly and once my favorite song from last August came on shuffle, I put it on repeat and sang “CUZ A LITTLE BIT OF SUMMER’S WHAT THE WHOLE YEAR’S ALL ABOUT!!!!” at the top of my lungs, hoping it would somehow speed up the melting away of the winter chill.

