a visual journal of my best friend’s engagement

Tomorrow one of my very best friends ever is getting married, and I am SO EXCITED. The whole engagement has been exciting for me, and I’ll show you all about it.

ONE //
Rachel sent me a picture of the ring they got at handmade engagement rings in Sydney, so I sent her a picture of my excited face.

TWO //
Izzy, the boy Rachel is marrying, gave me a box. In the box was another box. I opened it and it had this cute little bouquet and calendar. I asked someone “what do you think this means?” and they said “she’s inviting you to her wedding!” and I was kinda confused because I’d already told her I wouldn’t miss it for the world. But as I was putting the lid back on, I noticed a message under the lid. I ran to Izzy and gave him the hugest hug and almost cried because I was SO EXCITED.

It became real when I  GOT THE INVITATION IN THE MAIL! It’s really happening. They’re really getting married. and I get to be there and watch it and ugly cry the whole time.

I got my bridesmaid dress all altered and put it on. I’ve only put it on very briefly twice, because I don’t want anything bad happening to it. It’s made it safely to California so I think I’ve done a pretty good job of that. I can’t wait until we’re all in our dresses and fancy and !!!!!


Soon will come FIVE // …. WEDDING! The actual wedding! TOMORROW!

Am I the only person that gets stupid excited about weddings? I LOVE them. They are perfect.

Speaking of weddings, let’s discuss how Queen Lauren Conrad got married last weekend and I am DYING to see pictures of everything. Pinterest is going to freaking EXPLODE!!!! How perfect is this?
