Things I love about Disneyland

Things I Love about Disneyland // justalittlebitlouder
I want to start by saying that I used the above picture of the Disneyland map because once William asked me if that was me in the Disneyland map. and it made me so happy, so now I like to pretend like I am on the Disneyland map.

Today I’m going to Disneyland with Jess! and in honor of that, here are some reasons why I love Disneyland. Because I REALLY love Disneyland.

Disneyland ducks // justalittlebitlouder The DUCKS! ESPECIALLY when there are baby ones! It’s like there I am at this magical theme park and I see something “ordinary” like baby ducks and I freaking lose my brain.

Disneyland Castle // justalittlebitlouder The castle. Seeing that thing just takes my breath away because suddenly I just want to live there forever. It’s just magic. Walking through it is magic and looking at it is magic.

Partners statue at Disneyland // The partner statue. I mean really.

IMG_9357 The attention to detail! I feel like every time I am at Disneyland I notice something I’d never seen before, like these squirrels all along the castle!

Processed with VSCOcam with f1 preset
and finally, one of my all-time favorite things! The Starbucks there secretly has COCONUT SYRUP! Caramel/Coconut is my FAVORITE flavor combo and I can get it at DISNEYLAND!


What are your favorite things about Disneyland?
