December Goals


December is the last month of the year.

Which means it’s almost 2015.

What. the. heck. What is happening to this world, how is it almost another new year? I’m losing my brain.

So anyway. New month, new goals.

December goals //

  • Send 20 Christmas cards
    It’s on my 101 list… PLUS I have Christmas cards that just sit there all year long and I always forget about them. NOT THIS YEAR. 
  • Finish Krystin’s birthday/Christmas gift and send it with her Christmas card
  • Get on top of all the things I need to do with my blog… like scheduling posts and commenting on other blogs more consistently and… stuff.
  • Go to Zoo Lights at least once.
  • Link my 101 to my blog.
  • Plan a trip to Nashville
    It’s just time. I miss my people so desperately.

For THIS WEEK, though:

  • Make my bed
    (I recently washed my top blankets and have been lazy about putting the rest of the bedding back on. ughh so much work)
  • Return to the envelope system when I get paid.
    At the end of the summer I was managing my budget by using the envelope system and it helped me IMMENSELY. Between Christmas and dental bills (don’t even get me started!!) I need to be ultra careful with my money.
  • Organize my blog binder.
  • Vacuum out my car.

Linking up with Weekly Wishes.
