Five on Friday


Rebecca Black // Friday //


Never gonna get old… like… ever.

We all know that I’ve just begun this whole debt repayment journey. I’m trying to be ultra careful with my money (don’t even ask me how that’s going because Idon’twannatalkaboutitrightnowokay).

I recently read this article with some REALLY shocking numbers about how much stuff we have. and don’t need.

But sometimes… you actually need to replace things. Let’s say… you “need” to replace things, because I guess the word need is completely relative.

This is a list of 5 things I need am wanting to replace.

ONE button //

Instax Film

Last summer, I debated between a FitBit and an Instax. I ended up getting both. and I use both VERY consistently. I can’t find the Instax film ANYWHERE so when I buy them on Amazon, I like to stock up. Luckily I can redeem my Swagbucks for Amazon gift cards and I can get this film with the Swagbucks Gift Cards!


TWO button //

Suki Exfoliate Foaming Cleanser

I got a small sample of this cleanser in one of my Birchboxes and I LOOOOVED it. A few months ago, I splurged and redeemed some Birchbox Points to buy this with a coupon code I had. I still love it. It smells amazing and is really fun – it starts kind of gritty, but when you add water it gets foamy. It’s a great experience. Time to replace it!


THREE button // Oops!… I Did It Again

DON’T YOU EVEN JUDGE ME FOR THIS ONE. For some reason I’ve just been really sad that I don’t have a copy of this album anymore. I mean… one of my 101 in 1001 things is to organize my CDs, and I’m guessing if I went on a massive treasure hunt, I could probably find this CD. But I need the sweet songs of Miss Brit back in my life like ASAP. I need dance parties and love songs and OMG doesn’t this album have the song Dear Diary on it? I remember crying my eyes out to that song!! Yeah I have to replace this very soon.


FOUR button // Pura Vida Hair Ties

pura vida hair ties //

It’s been awhile since I’ve ordered anything from Pura Vida. These are my FAVORITE hair ties. They’re SO CUTE and colorful and they’re really gentle on my hair. For SOME WEIRD REASON, I tend to lose them like crazy. I mean I guess they’re hair ties and that’s the name of the game, right? Hair ties and freaking bobby pins, but don’t even get me started on that struggle.


FIVE button // Happy Cup Coffee
Happy Cup Coffee //

The weather here is still kind of back and forth. Some days it’s really nice in the morning and other days it’s really overcast. I definitely think there’s an art to deciding if you should have hot or cold coffee. Thankfully there’s an app for that, and I kid you not. Also a website… Anyway. It’s been iced coffee weather. I’m on the hunt to find the perfect iced mocha. In the meantime, I loooove downing endless cups of joe in the early hours of the morning while in my pajamas. EXCEPT I’M ABOUT TO RUN OUT. Happy Cup Coffee is a brilliant coffee company with a great mission. Their cafe is a 5 minute walk away from my work so I like to go over there on my lunch break. Next time I have to pick up a bag (OR TWO) of beans.


Okay… I MAY have purchased the hair ties because they were 50% off. I probably did, but I’m not sure….. 😉

Happy Friday!
Have a safe and fun weekend (any plans!?)!

See you back on Monday!

Linking up with:
Bright on a BudgetThat Friday Blog HopThe Diary of a Real Housewife

Five on Friday, Five things Friday
