Happy all the things.

Hello everyone. Remember me? My name is Stephanie and this is my blog, which I have not forgotten about.

Emily and Katie literally texted me and asked if I was dead because I haven’t blogged in awhile.

Yo I was a last-minute camp counselor for an army of 7 and 8 year old girls, which looked like this:

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and then it was a lot of catching up on life after that. But alas, I am alive.

So happy everything. Birthday, Day, Anniversary, Graduation, Celebration, surviving the day… happy all the things. What is your “Happy ______” right now? Tell me in the comments. I want to celebrate things with y’all.

How about Happy Pokemon Go?

I am seriously OBSESSED with Pokemon Go. I’m kind of ashamed and kind of “oh my gosh there’s a lure a block away!” I LOVE that it’s getting people out and about, especially when the weather is SO NICE. and in a world that is FULL OF broken hearts (the news super kills me these days), ANYTHING that tears down racial, social, economical walls is fine with me. Let’s all go catch some Pokemon together. I wish I could give y’all my Pidgeys because I now call them “ugh freaking pidgeys.” SO MANY OF THEM!

Justen and I went to downtown Vancouver the other day and the place was swarmed with people catching Pokemon. It was a beautiful day, so we stopped by Compass and got iced mochas and I NAILED my FitBit goals.


Y’all. Let me tell you about this dress.

I found this dress on clearance at Target for $7.48 (70% off). Cartwheel had an additional 20% off clearance offer, and I used my Red Card to get an ADDITIONAL 5% off. Which means this dress cost me a whopping $5.70. Oh. Snap. I had MULTIPLE people comment on my dress – the lace and the POM POMs! It’s the CUTEST. It’s for sale on Target.com, but be forewarned it’s still $24.99 🙂 It’s so cute though!


Justen took these super album-cover worthy photos of me, haha. Leaning against the brick wall, one foot up… either album cover or Senior Portraits. Also my hair in those pictures… don’t worry, I immediately made it look less… weird.

Recognize the sandals? My favorite BCBG sandals I got from TJ Maxx for $4 after waiting a year to find some! I wear them all the time.


and guess what! This pretty bracelet… it’s actually my FitBit! I had the normal plastic colored ones and HATED how they NEVER matched my outfits – it made me never wear them, so I finally caved and bought this pretty rose gold bracelet from Amazon. I LOVE it. It’s heavier than I expected, but it’s okay because it actually feels more like a bracelet than anything. The only thing that kind of sucks is that it’s not sleep-in-it friendly. But it makes my FitBit so much more relevant to my everyday life that it’s a small price to pay.


and here’s my favorite afternoon downtown partner in crime, at our favorite downtown coffee spot. He’s the cutest and as I am looking at this picture it is still crazy to think that he’s chosen to be with me for half a year. Happy half a year. 🙂


and just because Compass is so cool. These lights are above the table Justen was sitting at.

SO. Let’s recap this Happy Pokemon Catching Summer Afternoon Downtown outfit.


Dress / Target $5.70 (exact)
Sandals / BCBG $4 (similar / similar)
Purse / Coach – a gift from my aunt
FitBit Cover / Amazon (exact)

My outfit, minus FitBit cover… was a whopping $9.70. When I say that I am a thrifty shopper… I 1000000% mean it. That’s a LOT of percent, by the way.

Well. I’m off to go find some more Pokemon. Not sure if you’ve heard… but I gotta catch’em all.
