Happy Planner spread | Week of December 17 2018

True story: yesterday morning I woke up super early, got to work on my weekly happy planner spread, then went to the dentist to get a blue light teeth whitener. I came back home and started tackling my to do list with fervor and then we decided to visit Justen’s grandparents. We walked in the house, I immediately laid on the bed and I was OUT for the day. All that momentum on my to do list and it was left unfinished. Oh well!

This week’s happy planner spread is so cute. I love the little girl with the animals, and I loved the light blue + red + green.

December Happy Planner Weekly spread

This little corner is my FAVORITE, with the garland to the tree. It’s a busy week this week! I’ll be babysitting overnight, going back to the dentist and dinner with our friends. Then Sunday kicks off the marathon of celebrations!

I include daily to do lists because I find that I’m more productive when I’m able to cross things off. I love the idea introduced in Bullet Journal of migrating tasks. Things that don’t get finished today don’t just stay as failed “to do” items, they simply just migrate to the next day or week. Trying to keep that mindset!

Also ps so very glad that Tuesday’s to do list only has space for 5 things. I woke up feeling really off and it’s 1:30 pm and I’m still in my pajamas. 😀 This is my second time sharing my weekly happy planner spread, the first time was last week and can be checked out here.
