May Goals


Man it feels good to be back blogging again. Honest talk – last week I had this MAJOR meltdown day. I cried and told Justen how I should probably just shut down my blog because I NEVER have time for it. Which is kinda true, but then when I do have a moment to sit down and get some blog posts scheduled, I have so much fun and love it SO MUCH!

I especially love having a blog as a means for keeping track of my goals and sharing what’s going on in my life. I’m definitely not as personal around these parts as I used to be or something would like to be, but I still really enjoy having this blog. I love the goal posts and I’m so glad I brought them back this year.

Time to see how I did on April’s goals and look forward to what I want to accomplish in May.


First of all. Speaking of having time for nothing. This month was literally the month of having no time. I found myself waking up early to package Poshmark packages to drop off on my way to work, going to work, coming home, and going to sleep. Wake up, rinse, repeat. I’m struggle bussing it right now. 😀 That said, let’s look at what I’d thought were reasonable April Goals.

April Goals 

  1. Attempt a 5k
  2. Listen to the M-O songs in my iTunes library
  3. Document an ordinary day in pictures
  4. Fly a kite
  5. 3 miles a day for 2 weeks
  6. Finish Krystin’s gift
  7. Start a SRT study
  8. Finish Harry Potter #4 and start #5
  9. Save $750
  10. +100 to my gratitude journal

…I mean, I did better than last month, right?! It sucks to not cross a lot off my list, but at the same time I’ve barely had time to breathe, let alone figure out a time to fly a kite. I did join a StepBet which has also taken up a lot of my time – I’m realizing how NOT active I am, so even though I didn’t do #1 and #5, I have been hitting 13,500 steps 2x a week and 11,000 steps 4x a week for the past month. It’s part of why I’m exhausted all the time 😀 So I have been accomplishing what I wanted, just in a different way.

For May, seeing as how it’s already 10 days into it and I’m just now having a moment to even sit down and blog I’m going to go so easy on myself and I’m going to stray from the list of 10 goals and make it much smaller and much more reasonable.

May Goals //

  1. Get all of my Poshmark closet/supplies organized for when I leave
  2. Order new polymailers from Amazon for Poshmark
  3. Save $600
  4. Finish my new 101 in 1001 list
  5. Clean my room before I leave for Nashville
  6. Finish my StepBet (and get my $40 back!)

Man. I’m excited for a pause from the current flow of life to spend the summer in Nashville. 🙂 What are y’all looking forward to this summer?
