TV Talk #4: The Bachelor, Real World: Skeletons, Battle of the Exes 2, Criminal Minds, SVU

Every week I have this master plan to immediately write about each show after I watch it, and every Friday morning I wake up with a panic in my heart and think “I HAVE to write so we can all talk about these shows!!!”

So here I am. Eating delicious oatmeal, maybe watching Law & Order: SVU at the last minute, and writing this.

The Bachelor //
ONE // The Bachelor
Becca is SO CUTE I can’t even begin to explain it. I’ve said it before, but look at how classy she’s been about her morals and her physical boundaries. She’s never once been whiny or power trippy about it. She simply stands firm AND CHRIS RESPECTS THAT. or seems to, at least. They seemed to have so much fun on their one-on-one (and I LOVED watching when they went shooting because she schooled him).

Let’s talk about Britt for a moment. The chemistry between Britt and Chris is undeniable, and it’s so frustrating. I love her hair and I think she’s a wild and free spirit, BUT SO IS WHITNEY. Except Whitney seems like more of a WOMAN about it, and Britt still seems like a child. A child with really beautiful hair. Did you see the previews for next week?! I cannot wait to see what the drama is about.

And let’s all let out a collective cheer that Kelsey and Ashley I were BOTH gone in the same moment! I can’t believe that in the beginning I was ALL ABOUT Kelsey. I feel so deceived. But how about the parents of the kids who had her as a guidance counselor!?

I’m still hoping that Whitney comes out on top, because homegirl is CLASSY.

MTV The Real World: Skeletons
TWO // Real World: Skeletons
Um what even happened on this show? I’m so over this. Is it Catfish time yet?? I might have to just cut this show until Catfish comes on because CATFISH IS THE BEST! Also, do you remember how I was all about getting Ryan to watch Catfish? I just want to take a minute to internet brag that he’s watched every episode. Point for me 🙂

MTV The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2 //
THREE // The Challenge: Battle of the Exes 2
WHAT WAS THAT CLIFFHANGER ABOUT!? Why is everything all messed up? The rose ceremony at the beginning of The Bachelor, and now there’s no elimination on this episode of The Challenge? Ugh. I don’t even care which of the two rookies go home. Suddenly I just don’t care about MTV shows…. except Catfish. I JUST WANT CATFISH, IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK!?

Criminal Minds //
FOUR // Criminal Minds
Okay so I have a Criminal Minds Twitter friend and we were discussing this episode.. and is it bad that it was kind of like “yeah, seen this before”? There’s something wrong with us being bored by psychopathic serial killers. To be fair I was on Pinterest the whole time and so I was kind of only halfway paying attention. And the beginning of it made the guy seem ultra cliche OCD and that lost my interest right away.

But like my Twitter friend Stacey pointed out – season finale is probably Kate’s daughter niece getting abducted – anyone else agree? I agree but am a little snooze about that because I DON’T LIKE KATE! It’s kind of like when that other agent left the BAU at the end of last season and it didn’t bother me AT ALL because it wasn’t one of the original Dream Team. That’s my new name for the BAU. The Dream Team.

Law & Order SVU //
FIVE // Law & Order: SVU
Oh my gosh. At first I was like “ugh I don’t want to watch some show about video games.” but this is so much more than video games. I’d be so pissed if I was a gamer and watched this show, because it makes everyone who plays video games sound like delusional freaks who are completely out of touch with reality and have had their beating hearts replaced by the beeps and boops of video games.

At first I want to say I feel sorry for people who play violent video games for entertainment, but I just admitted about Criminal Minds that I’ve watched so many episodes of CM that I get bored by the psychopathic serial killers they show. So I guess I am not really that much better. and man, suddenly I’m feeling so convicted.

Also. I thought that the fiancé was somehow involved in the whole scheme and was a little surprised to see that it actually was a group of crazy idiots.

But I just want to say that Olivia Benson is seriously the best. I love her. and her hair is fabulous.


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