
oh my gosh. in one week, i will be packing to go to california.

i have made my way to harry potter and the goblet of fire and this time i am determined to not watch the movie halfway through. not that it ruins the book i’ve already read, but in the spirit of really re-reading the books i don’t want to re-watch the movies prior to finishing each book. man, my life is full of problems and hardships….

guys look i found this baby picture of me in a little purple polka dotted dress and i just stared at it for a long time and wondered how all of who i am was once ever packed in this little tiny person that couldn’t walk or dance or sing or play the piano or read. somehow i grew out of that little tiny baby. that’s been blowing my mind a lot lately.

isn’t it weird how we do this thing where we plan our responses to things we’re not even sure will happen? lately i’ve been stressing out about how to respond to being excluded from plans that will be happening this month. and history shows that i will most likely be excluded, but i don’t even give the other side a fair chance. i’m already walking around with an ache in my heart as if the final blow has been delivered. weird.

no cool pictures of what i’m wearing or tutorials on how to make some awesome craft, and i’ve still not caught on to the whole post things from pinterest on your blog on wednesday thing. just a picture of me and me as a baby and a few random thoughts.

**also: please tell me i am not the only one who cried during glee last night?**
