October Goals

october goals //stephanieorefice.net

It’s been a LONG TIME since I’ve done monthly goals. I mean, it’s been like… forever.

As I was wading through all the feelings I had this spring/summer, sometimes it felt like a monthly goal was just GET THROUGH THIS. and that’s depressing, and I try to avoid using the internet as a form of self-pity.

To quote Tangled, “it’s like the fog has lifted,” and I am ready to be back on this. I already posted my FINANCIAL goals for October, but these are the other things. I’m weirdly excited about this.


  • send 10 letters
  • achieve my financial goals
  • complete Whole30
  • finish reading through Job in the OT
  • declutter the space by my bed
  • read the rest of Penguins and Golden Calves


Do you guys have any goals for this month?
